Quantum Field Theory II

Prof. Timo Weigand



This course is the second part of an introduction to Quantum Field Theory, building upon the results obtained in the Master course Quantum Field Theory, taught in winter term 2021/22. The material discussed forms the theoretical basis for our current understanding of particle physics and, more generally, is indispensible for everyone who aims to study modern theoretical physics.

The topics include:

 Path integral quantisation

Renormalisation of Quantum Field Theory  

Quantisation of Yang-Mills theory

Symmetries in QFT: Anomalies, spontaneous symmetry breaking, Higgs mechanism

Instantons and non-perturbative aspects (time permitting)

Prerequisites: The course builds upon the material discussed in QFT I: 

Canonical quantisation of the free scalar field, the free spin 1/2 field and the free spin 1 field

Perturbation theory, Feynman rules and scattering theory

QED at tree-level and basic concepts of its renormalisation at 1-loop

All course material will be regularly updated on the Moodle page for the course QFT II. Please register via your Moodle account with the password   QFT2Summer22.

Allgemeine Angaben

  • Kurzbezeichnung
  • Semester
    Sommersemester 22
  • Zielgruppen
  • Veranstaltungsart
  • Veranstaltungssprache
  • Einrichtungen
    MIN Graduiertenzentrum > Quantum Universe Research School

Ort und Zeit


  • Anzahl SWS
  • Anzahl Leistungspunkte
  • Anrechenbar als
    • MIN Doktorandenkolleg: Forschungsbezogen für QURS


  • Art der Platzvergabe
    First come - first served (nach Anmeldeeingang)
  • Anmeldeinformation
  • Max. Anzahl Teilnehmer