Social Science As A Vocation and An Academic Voice: Reflecting Upon the Operationalisation of Social Science Concepts and Methods for Doctoral Research

Prof. Dr. Antje Wiener



Dear all,

as the next meeting on Monday, 13 May, is fast approaching, I would like all of those presenting next Monday to upload their files/readings to be discussed in a sub-folder of the google folder and to fill in the required details in the respective slot for their session, as provided in the google doc "outline": lead question and select readings.
Please do so asap that the rest of the class has time to prepare the required readings.

Thank you very much.

Maren Hofius

Mitteilung erstellt am: 10.05.2019 13:49

Dear all,

for those of you who did not attend last week's meeting do accept the invitation to access the shared google doc called "outline". You may then make the necessary entries to provide details on your PhD topic as well as reasons for choosing the course (scroll down to the end of the outline and orient yourselves along the entries already made).

The following tasks pertain to ALL participants:
-identify and choose a text from the preliminary readings list which you prepare for the next session
-select and indicate one self-authored text (chapter or article) as well as two further readings (which do not necessarily have to come from the seminar reading list) and upload the readings in a newly created folder on google docs (for the sake of clarity, please name the folder after your surname!) no later than a week in advance of the relevant block session where the readings will be discussed;
-then also fill in the references of the selected readings together with a lead question in the appropriate section of the outline, i.e. in the session which you will chair.

Background on workshop and session format:
The format of student-led discussion envisages that students (or pairs consisting of 2 students) will decide about the most appropriate means to lead and guide a discussion of the required texts, so that the main concepts, questions, and objectives that are advanced by each of the listed required readings will be identified in a clear and accessible manner.
To this end, students are required to submit their choice of self-authored text (chapter or article) as well as two further readings (which do not necessarily have to come from the seminar reading list) to a newly created folder on google doc.

In case you have further questions, please contact us accordingly via

Best wishes,

Maren Hofius

Mitteilung erstellt am: 07.05.2019 09:27

Dear all,

this a brief reminder that the introductory session for your course with Prof. Antje Wiener will take place this Friday, May 3, from 10:15-11:45.

She will provide you with an overview of the course and jointly discuss the structure of the upcoming workshops with you.

Best wishes,

Maren Hofius

Mitteilung erstellt am: 30.04.2019 14:16



This seminar builds on the last semester’s  class on research design. Participation in last semester’s class is desirable,  however, it is not a condition for participation in this semester’s class.  While the previous class focussed directly on the discussion of how to plan and  organise research projects based on clearly identified research objects based on theory, methodology, and research methods, this class addresses the  recursive aspect of academic research. To that end, we discuss the principles  of reflexivity, responsibility and more generally good academic citizenship. This class, too, therefore offers extensive discussion of readings that lie at the intersection between research practice and theory-building. Notably, research practice is broadly conceived as the state of ‘desk-study’ and/or ‘field-work’. The focus of the class will prove beneficial for PhD students who have been or are about to engage in the main part of their thesis, following up from successful literature reviews and research operationalisation. The class is organised in a kick-off session and two further block-sessions to allow for OFF-CLASS preparatory research and IN-CLASS student-led discussions.

Preliminary Readings:

Abraham, K. J. & Abramson, Y. (2017) A pragmatist vocation for International Relations: The (global) public and its problems, European Journal of International Relations 23(1), 26–48.

Brigg, M. & Bleiker, R. (2008) Expanding Ethnographic Insights into Global Politics, International Political Sociology 2(1), 89–90.

Brigg, M. & Bleiker, R. (2010) Autoethnographic International Relations: exploring the self as a source of knowledge, Review of International Studies 36(3), 779–798.

Dauphinee, E. (2013) The Politics of Exile, New York: Routledge.

Doty, R. (2010) Autoethnography – Making Human Connections, Review of International Studies 36(4), 1047–1050.

Guzzini, S. (2013) The ends of International Relations theory: Stages of reflexivity and modes of theorizing, European Journal of International Relations 19(3), 521–541.

Hamati-Ataya, I. (2012) IR Theory as International Practice/Agency: A Clinical-Cynical Bourdieusian Perspective, Millennium: Journal of International Studies 40(3), 625–646.

Hamati-Ataya, I. (2013) Reflectivity, reflexivity, reflexivism: IR's 'reflexive turn' - and beyond, European Journal of International Relations 19(4), 669–694.

Jackson, P. T. (2011) The Conduct of Inquiry in International Relations: Philosophy of Science and its Implications for the Study of World Politics, London: Routledge (Chapter 6).

Löwenheim, O. (2010) The ‘I’ in IR: an Autoethnographic Account, Review of International Studies 36(4), 1023–1045.

Ravecca, P. & Dauphinée, E. (2018) Narrative and the Possibilities for Scholarship, International Political Sociology 12(2), 125–138.

Schmidt, R. (2017) Sociology of Social Practices: Theory or Modus Operandi of Empirical Research?, in: Jonas, M., Littig, B. & Wroblewski, A. (eds.) Methodological Reflections on Practice Oriented Theories, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 3–17.

Wiener, A. (2018) Constitution and contestation of norms in global international relations, Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press (Chapter 8: A Voice through the Practice).    

Allgemeine Angaben

  • Kurzbezeichnung
  • Semester
    Sommersemester 19
  • Zielgruppen
  • Veranstaltungsart
  • Veranstaltungssprache
  • Einrichtungen
    Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften

Ort und Zeit

  • Ort
    Allendeplatz 1 (Pferdestall) Raum 245
  • Zeit
    am 03.05.2019 von 10:15 bis 11:45
  • Ort
    Von Melle Park 5 Raum 1083
  • Zeit
    am 13.05.2019 von 10:15 bis 16:15
  • Ort
    Allendeplatz 1 (Pferdestall) Raum 245
  • Zeit
    am 28.06.2019 von 10:15 bis 16:15


  • Anzahl SWS
  • Anzahl Leistungspunkte
  • Anrechenbar als
    • WiSo Promotionsstudiengang: WiSo Methoden für Sozialwissenschaften
    • WiSo Promotionsstudiengang: WiSo Methoden für Sozialökonomie
    • WiSo Promotionsstudiengang: WiSo Methoden für Volkswirtschaftslehre


  • Art der Platzvergabe
    Manuelle Platzvergabe (nach Ende der Anmeldefrist)
  • Anmeldeinformation
  • Max. Anzahl Teilnehmer